What is a Timber Stand Inventory

What is it and why it is important?

The first thing we suggest to a client when they tell us they desire to manage their woodland or sell timber is to have us conduct an inventory of their timber stand!

What is a timber inventory?

A timber stand inventory is a survey method used in forestry to evaluate the standing timber on a property. Inventory data is sampled from randomized points to gather representative data of the entire stand. Diameter at breast height (DBH) as well as a tree’s species are recorded. Notes are also taken on the presence of vines and/or invasive species.

Why is the Inventory Data Important?

The purpose of a forest inventory is to obtain comprehensive information about the current state and dynamics of a timber stand to be used in strategic management planning. The resulting data from the inventory can give us a lot of information including the overall species composition, total board footage (volume of timber), basal area (stocking level), and estimated value of the standing timber. By considering these variables, we can provide recommendations to our clients on what we feel is the best strategy to meet their desired management objective(s).

Timber stand inventories are a required element of a CAP 106 Management Plan to be submitted to NRCS for funding as part of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).

Interested in having us conduct a timber inventory on your property? Give us a call! (260) 668-9977

More information: Planning a Timber Cruise and Using It | OSU Extension Service (oregonstate.edu)